Congratulations to the 2016 Awards of Success winners!

Publié dans : Blog
Posté sur : 16 mai 2016

There are many awards – in Canada, and around the world – that recognize employers for their commitment to diversity and inclusion. Yet there are relatively few honours that acknowledge the people who work tirelessly to help make their workplaces, and Canadian society, more inclusive.

In early 2016, CCDI put out the call for our inaugural Awards of Success nominations, seeking individuals who have made a significant contribution to diversity and inclusion here in Canada. We had no idea of the wide spectrum of incredible submissions that we’d receive; making the adjudication process even more difficult than anticipated.

This year’s winners were announced on April 14, 2016, at the CCDI inaugural gala, BLOOM!, which took place at the historic Fairmount Royal York Hotel in Toronto.

Meet our 2016 winners:

Dentons Senior Executive of the Year:

Given to a Executive leader (the most senior person in an organization) for their outstanding contribution and commitment to diversity and inclusion within their organization. The Senior Executive of the Year takes ownership of the diversity agenda and is responsible for driving change in their workplace. They have diversity as part of their performance accountabilities and provide the necessary gravitas to ensure diversity and inclusion objectives are met.This award is generously sponsored by Dentons.Learn more. 

SImon Fish
Simon Fish
General Counsel,
BMO Financial Group

Home Depot Diversity and Inclusion Practitioner of the Year:

 Home Depot

This award is given to a person who is a full- or part-time diversity and inclusion or human rights and equity practitioner. They are a subject matter expert in diversity and inclusion or human rights and equity and are responsible for crafting their organization’s diversity and inclusion or human rights and equity strategy, as well as executing on initiatives.

This award is generously sponsored by Home Depot.

Learn more.

 Normand St. Gelais

Normand St. Gelais
Diversity & Inclusion,


HSBC Community Contributor of the Year:

This award is given to a person who goes above and beyond to affect change in Canadian society as it relates to diversity and inclusion or human rights and equity. This work can either be paid or volunteer, and may focus on any dimension of diversity.This award is generously sponsored by HSBC Bank Canada.Learn more.

Malinda Smith





Malinda Smith
Associate Professor,
University of Alberta


To learn more about the awards, nomination eligibility, criteria, and process please visit :
Awards of Success: FAQ. 

Should you have any questions regarding the Awards of Success, CCDI, or would like to submit a media request, please feel free to contact us at anytime.

Balises de blog Awards of Success BLOOM

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