Posted in : Blog
Posted on : June 9, 2021
Devika Pandey, Manager, Learning and Knowledge Solutions
In a world where we consistently see polarization in thoughts, opinions, and perspectives, I often get asked questions around dismantling systems, and strategies to do that. These questions leave me with the thought – “what is the way forward?”. I don’t have a ‘correct’ answer to that yet, and I wish I did. However, what I can offer is a way we can slowly start moving towards systemic change by creating safe AND brave spaces within our organizations. Spaces, where we can have difficult conversations and dialogue to encourage authenticity within our workplaces.
As you read this, I’m sure you have questions like:
As I wrote this post, I even thought to myself, we often say “this is a safe space” in our workplaces. It can be in meetings, or conversations we are having with colleagues. But are those spaces really safe?
From June 15th to July 15th, 2021, CCDI is offering community of practice learning events on safe and brave spaces that will address exactly these questions. These events will include opportunities to learn tangible strategies from the CCDI team, as well as from experiences of other organizational D&I practitioners joining us from across Canada. We will together explore and address questions on safe and brave spaces, and how we can start building these spaces within our workplaces, keeping into consideration all our different dimensions of diversity.
Along with learning, we will also offer networking opportunities and ways to stay connected with CCDI and your network after the learning event. So, if you’re looking to start the journey towards systemic change, join us to learn more about building safe and brave spaces and having courageous conversations within your organizations.
Learn more about CCDI's Community of Practice events 2021 here.
Tags CCDI Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion Safe spaces Brave spaces COPE Community of Practice CDNdiversity
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