Posted in : Blog
Posted on : June 19, 2019
The Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion is calling on the government to include questions about LGBTQ2+ people in its national Census in 2021.
“It is time for Statistics Canada to evolve the Census questions to be inclusive of people from different sexual orientations and gender identities,” said Michael Bach, CCDI Founder and CEO.
“It’s 2019. We have openly LGBTQ2+ people in every sector of society. The Census needs to reflect the diversity that is Canada. Given that this government has an advisor to the Prime Minister on LGBTQ2+ inclusion, this should be a priority for them.”
Currently, the only nation-wide available data from Statistics Canada about LGBTQ2+ people in Canada is about the number of gay, lesbian and bisexual people in same-sex marriages, or cohabitating couples. This leaves out individuals who are single and people who don’t identify as gay, lesbian and bisexual. It also doesn’t offer any information about trans and two-spirit Canadians. In short, it is woefully lacking.
Without this important information, the government can’t make informed policy decisions, and employers, schools, social services agencies, and local governments have no ability to benchmark themselves against reliable data.
Right now, LGBTQ2+ people are not included in the Employment Equity Act. Collecting Census data on this group can strengthen the case for employment equity protections.
Want to have your voice heard? Email the Statistics Canada consultation team showing your support for the inclusion of LGBTQ2+ identifiers in the next Canadian Census.
Tags CDNdiversity LGBTQ2+ Inclusion Census Statistics Canada
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