CCDI introduces new services to aid in the advancement of your diversity and inclusion journey

Posted in : Blog
Posted on : November 7, 2017

Maturity Meter™ measures the development of workplace by assessing the organization’s diversity and inclusion strategy against global benchmarks. It involves four components:

  • An online questionnaire (nine questions require document uploads)
  • An optional online employee validation survey (completed by a random sample of your employees)
  • A third-party, subject matter expert evaluation of the employer responses.
  • A Maturity Evaluation report generated from all the collected data and information, including recommendations and optional coaching and discussion.

This tool is an impactful way to get a “litmus test” of your diversity and inclusion efforts. The Maturity Evaluation can help you recalibrate where your efforts are being placed, validate that efforts are appropriate and identify any large gaps that may be key to successfully reaching strategic goals for your business/organization.

In addition, we present our newest learning solution – eLearning. The practical scenarios in our eLearning programs provide applicable solutions, and have been designed by our team of experts who have worked with some of Canada’s largest workplaces on their diversity and inclusion. The format has been designed to allow your multi-generational workforce to learn anywhere, anytime.

Our current program includes sessions on: Unconscious bias, Diversity and inclusion fundamentals, and Managing bias in hiring. Here’s what makes our eLearning programs unique:

  • 30-minutes, self-directed, and open navigation
  • Universal Instructional Design makes our courses 100% accessible
  • Available in both English and French
  • Follow up toolkits and podcasts increase learning retention

Our eLearning programs can be delivered on your learning management system or ours and can be customized (e.g. logos, message from leaders) and are proved to work when combined with our instructor-led training programs and evaluation framework.

For more information on these services, or to request a demo, please contact [email protected].

Tags CDNdiversity Diversity eLearning Maturity Meter

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