You asked - we listened

Posted in : Blog
Posted on : July 11, 2018

Introducing Free To Be: The Diverse Sexualities and Genders Collective (DSG) - our new LGBTQ2+ offering

As part of our most recent Employer Partner consultation, one thing we heard is a need for more content that focuses on LGBTQ2+ inclusion. To that end, we want your input to ensure the content we are planning meets your specific needs. 

In 2017, CCDI conducted a comprehensive Employer Partner consultation, that sought to solicit feedback on our services and events, and to inform our strategic plans on how to better support our partners going forward. Results of the feedback were exceptional! Thank you to everyone who participated.

You indicated the following areas as places where focused/in depth content was desired:

  • LGBTQ2+ inclusion
  • Indigenous cultures/inclusion of Indigenous Peoples
  • Bias awareness
  • Gender/gender equity/sexism in the workplace
  • Accessibility for/inclusion of people with disabilities

As part of the continued evolution of our programing, we are launching a survey to to ensure the content we are planning meets your needs.

From July 3-27, we will be collecting your input about our future LGBTQ2+ programming through a short, seven question survey.

Click here to access the survey.

The input you have now will have direct impact on the programming we launch in the fall. Thank you in advance. If you have any questions, please contact Michael Bach, Founder and CEO, at [email protected].

Tags CDNdiversity Free To Be Diversity Sexualities Diverse Sexualities and Genders Collective DSG

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