Headshot of Andrea Dillingham-Lacoursiere (She, her) border=

Andrea Dillingham-Lacoursiere (She, her)

Manager, Community Relations and Partnerships

Andrea Dillingham-Lacoursiere is a life long resident of Alberta, growing up in Red Deer and having lived in both Calgary and Edmonton. She is a mother, a daughter, a sister, an aunt, an artist, and an advocate.

In her professional work, she is driven to make positive changes through direct action. The choices along her career path led Andrea to the non-profit and public sectors where she has been fortunate to immerse herself in learning from the best resources we have, the people, organizations and communities we live, work and ultimately take stewardship of. Valuing the stories and experiences that have led us all to where we are at, right now, and dreams of where we can go when we work together. It is in the sharing of these stories, our experiences, our histories that we begin to understand the bravery of the storytellers, their capacity to shape lives and the learning that happens, almost by accident.

Andrea’s formal education in fine arts and performance helped shape her understandings and bridge gaps when language was a barrier. Music is one of the universal languages that is taught and theorized through mathematics, another language that defies boundaries. At the heart of culture and understanding is our capacity to influence as we become more aware of how our world is changing and why. As practitioners and citizens, our beliefs, needs and lived experiences certainly shape how we navigate our world, but they hold incredible power to help us adapt to external challenges and internal integrations in our ever changing environments.