The following are the Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion’s (CCDI’s) terms and conditions for creating a user account with CCDI for the registration and payment to attend CCDI webinars, events, and conferences, hereinafter referred to as “Event.”

This digital account registration and payment service is administered by CCDI, Massif Solutions Limited (Massif), and MONERIS SOLUTIONS, INC. (Moneris).

Services offered for registration and payment under this agreement: CCDI offers monthly webinars, quarterly Community of Practice events, and an annual conference for which this user account, registration, and payment process can be utilized.

General Payment Terms: Payment is due immediately, in Canadian (CAD) dollars, upon registration for an Event. You must pay by credit card (VISA, MasterCard, or American Express only) using CCDI’s registration page on the CCDI website for an Event. In the event a credit card issued by a foreign bank is used for payment, the cardholder of the account with the foreign bank will be responsible for any and all currency conversion fees and transaction fees charged for Event registration and payment.  Payments via PayPal, cheque, Interac e-mail Transfer, or cash will NOT be accepted.

Payments charged to your credit card will be payable to: Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion, 2 Carlton Street, Suite 820, Toronto, ON, CANADA, M5B 1J3.

Payment timing:  An authorization will be placed on your credit card once you have successfully submitted your Event registration and credit card information on the CCDI’s website. The credit card transaction should post to your credit card account within 48-72 hours of the online submission. An email confirmation and electronic receipt will be sent to the email address of the individual that successfully submits the registration and payment on the CCDI website.

Refund Policy:  In the event that the User is unable to attend an Event that the User has successfully paid CCDI for, the User must contact CCDI via email, providing the following information that was used for the Event registration which the user is requesting a refund for: User’s full name (first and last), email address, mailing address (including city, province/state, and postal code) and telephone number. CCDI will contact the User to confirm the refund amount, and CCDI will refund the amount due to the User within 30 days of receipt of the User’s request for a refund. Refunds will be made directly to the credit card account provided by the User at the time of registration, OR, if that account is no longer available, a check will be issued to the User at the address provided by the User. Cancellations made within 5 business days of a CCDI Event will receive a 50% refund of the total amount paid. Cancellations made within 48 hours of a CCDI Event will receive credit for the amount paid, to be applied to a future CCDI Event.

Contact information: Questions about payments can be directed to [email protected].

The following terms and conditions apply to all transactions that you enter into when you register for an Event using the CCDI website. You must indicate your consent to these terms and conditions at the time you complete your Event registration. Any Event that you register and pay to attend is subject to the terms and conditions that follow. Use of the CCDI website to create an individual user account and password, submit an Event registration, and submit credit card payment constitutes your acceptance of all such terms and conditions.

Terms and conditions that apply to all transactions:

  1. This service enables you (as the “User”) to create a User account, register for a CCDI’s Event and pay for said CCDI Event, such as webinars, Community of Practice events, and CCDI’s annual conference. This service is administered by the Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion (CCDI), and your use of this service is governed by these terms and conditions. You, as the User, will be deemed to have accepted and agreed to all of the terms and conditions outlined as follows. CCDI reserves the right to send electronic mail to you for the purpose of informing you of changes or additions to this service and agreement.
  2. Conditions of Sale. CCDI agrees to sell Event registrations to the User provided that (i) the Events still have availability at the time of the order, (ii) CCDI accepts the Event registration, and (iii) the User is in full compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
  3. The User hereby acknowledges and agrees that the User is responsible for any transaction entered into through this online service and identified with the User’s credit card information. It is the User’s responsibility to maintain the secrecy of such information, and further, to notify CCDI immediately upon learning of any transaction entered into through this service that was done so without the User’s authorization. The User represents and warrants that the User is at least 18 years old; that the User is a person (as opposed to a company or other organization); that the User is legally authorized by the User’s employer, business, or organization to enter into the agreement created by these terms and conditions; and that the individual creating transactions under this agreement on behalf of any User is authorized by a business, corporate entity or other organization, and is duly authorized by User to do so.
  4. Refund Policy. In the event that the User is unable to attend an Event that the User has successfully paid CCDI for, the User must contact CCDI via email, providing the following information that was used for the Event registration which the user is requesting a refund for: User’s full name (first and last), email address, mailing address (including city, province/state, and postal code) and telephone number. CCDI will contact the User to confirm the refund amount, and CCDI will refund the amount due to the User within 30 days of receipt of the User’s request for a refund. Refunds will be made directly to the credit card account provided by the User at the time of registration, OR, if that account is no longer available, a check will be issued to the User at the address provided by the User.
  5. Confidentiality. Use of User-related information collected by this service is governed by CCDI’s privacy policy. CCDI’s privacy policy is accessible through the CCDI’s website at
  6. As between the User and CCDI, any CCDI trademarked materials and CCDI copyrighted items shared between CCDI and the User from an Event remain the sole and exclusive property of CCDI. All trademarks not belonging to CCDI, as well as all software and other elements that you encounter in the course of using the CCDI website, as well as all intellectual property rights therein, remain the sole and exclusive property of CCDI and are not licensed to the User in any way. While the User may exercise the rights licensed immediately upon completion of registration and payment for an Event, said license is automatically revoked, and is null and void, as if it had never been issued, if complete payment for said license is not received on a timely basis either from the User or through a payment agent, such as a credit card company. All rights not expressly granted are reserved.
  7. User hereby indemnifies and agrees to defend CCDI and its employees, agents, representatives, officers and directors, against all claims, liability, damages, costs and expenses, including legal fees and expenses arising out of any use of copyrighted or trademarked materials beyond the scope of the rights granted, or any use of any copyrighted or trademarked material that has been altered in any way by the User, including claims for defamation, or infringement of or damage to rights of copyright, publicity, privacy or other tangible or intangible property.
  8. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY OF CCDI. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL CCDI BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR INFORMATION, OR FOR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) ARISING OUT OF (i) THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE ANY COPYRIGHTED OR TRADEMARKED MATERIAL OR (ii) THE INABILITY TO OBTAIN ADDITIONAL RIGHTS TO COPYRIGHTED OR TRADEMARKED MATERIALS, EVEN IF CCDI HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. In any event, the total liability of CCDI (including its employees, agents, representatives, officers and directors) shall not exceed the total amount actually paid by the User for the applicable license. User assumes full liability for the actions and omissions of its principals, employees, agents, affiliates, successors and assignees.
  9. Any failure by the User to pay any amount when due, or any use by the User of any licensed material beyond the scope of this agreement shall be considered a material breach of the agreement. Any breach not cured within ten (10) days of notice thereof shall result in immediate termination of the User’s account and any applicable registrations without further notice. Registration amounts are due and payable upon completion of the registration process by the User (or upon CCDI’s notice to the User that they are available to register, utilizing the CCDI’s website registration process); amounts overdue will be subject to a service charge of 2.0% per month or, if less, the maximum interest rate allowed by applicable law in the User’s place of business, such service charge to begin running 30 days after delivery of, or notice of availability of, completed registration.
  10. CCDI hereby objects to any terms contained in any writing prepared by the User or its principals, employees, agents or affiliates and purporting to govern or otherwise relate to any licensing transaction, which terms are in any way inconsistent with any of these terms or with any standard operating procedures of CCDI, whether such writing is prepared prior to, simultaneously with or subsequent to the registration, and whether such writing appears on any paper or electronic version of the registration or in a separate paper or electronic instrument, unless such writing is countersigned by CCDI.
  11. The User may terminate its account at any time by sending e-mail to: [email protected]. Upon termination, the User will receive a confirmation via e-mail that the request was received, and access to the registration page on the CCDI website from the User’s account will be suspended within one business day. The User is responsible for all charges incurred up to the time the account is deactivated.
  12. User acknowledges and agrees that CCDI may alter these terms and conditions in any fashion and at any time, effective immediately, provided that CCDI posts notice of any material alteration hereof to the location at which User’s credit card information is made available by CCDI on the Internet and any such material alteration will be effective on the date set forth in the notice (and which effective date will be at least 30 days following CCDI’s first posting thereof). User also acknowledges and agrees that CCDI may, on notice to User at the time of offering a specific Event registration, or at the time of any re-invoicing of a past-due amount, assign accounts and/or amounts due to the applicable financial institution; and that CCDI may at any time assign all its rights, duties and responsibilities hereunder. Finally, User acknowledges and agrees that CCDI may, in its sole discretion, terminate or suspend User’s access to all or part of the Event registration service for any reason, including without limitation breach of this Agreement or persistent failure to pay Event registration fees on a timely basis.
  13. Complete Agreement. This Agreement contains the full and complete expression of the rights and obligations of the parties, and it shall cancel and supersede all other written or oral communications heretofore made by the parties (including their affiliates) related to the subject matter hereof, including any agreements for the payment of Event registrations between the User and CCDI. None of the terms of this Agreement shall be deemed to be waived by either party or amended unless such waiver or amendment is written and signed by both parties and recites specifically that it is a waiver of, or amendment to, the terms of this Agreement.
  14. Governing Law. The terms and conditions stated above shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of Ontario.

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